A Mansion Of My Heart

I have a mansion of my heart with several enigmas of ur presence nd a wooden toy cart 

There lie a glass of wine beside the one light roasted cup of coffee , the one u did find breath calming at times 

U would hold it in one hand nd mine in another , u have told me witty things 

but never acknowledged the ones i wished to hear or perhaps i just wanted to 

u told me of ur conscience ur insecurities ur moments of pleasure nd jolly 

The letters of ur remindings nd the words of your bewildered heart nd mind are still wobbling in one corner of the room 

the other corner is yet occupied with ur stilled aroma which is there for months trying not to dwell into surroundings 

Every edge of the mansion is imprinted with little flowers of lily nd tulips 

the ones u asked me to bring 

Alas the flowers died 

but argh the Mansion is still beautiful 

Take up the cup or take up the wine 

Sit with me till dawn at nine 

no bells no rings no unwanted chime

Hold these paper rings its high time 

its high time ! 🌸


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