India Politics - Principles , Threats , Governance and Way Forward



India has evolved from a disintegrated nd diversified phase from multiple movements of attaining freedom to Poorna swaraj nd complete independence after all 
the later include the making of Pakistan now at this time some would argue it was a mistake accounting the situation in India in these times 
but at the time of independence it was much required as a separate state based on religion was promised back in 1920s 

moreover the havoc was created when jinnah the then governor general of pakistan visited dhaka , the east pakistan or the bangladesh as we know it nowadays and imposed the urdu over bengalis 
which resulted in a civil war 
same we can also notice in srilanka , the linguistic war 
now how india came out to be linguistically stable beside having the most diversified languages all across the state 

we incorporated hindi , english , tamil telugu even which had even more ancient literatures much before hindi was introduced to people 

it was all because the languages in india were not imposed rather they spread from cultures to cultures nd across different parts of the world 

Then came the state reorganisation act 1956 which made governance more subtle to people 
moreover when UPA after that came into power under dr manmohan singh they promised a second reorganisation commission which was much required then but not honoured 
it is even more required in present times 
u take an example of uttar pradesh it is impossible to govern every area it should be like bifurcated or so 
smaller the areas of authority will be there easier will be the application of set of rules nd manage them 
take an example of U.S it is much smaller in area and populatio compared to india but still have 50 states 

unfortunately no centre government would agree to this be it BJP or CONGRESS or any other cz nobody wants to share the power and authority 
which makes indian democracy an imperfect nd partial false democracy 
ill support my arguments in following one 


Indian political scenario from 2010 is getting horrible day by day 
the ideologies of people is getting limited to religion and  specific party or wing 

This is to be said that majority of people in india are well framed towards one spectrum be it the left wing or the right wing or whatever 
one will criticize the other no matter what 
now these are the issues growing out from these ideologistic point of views , note that the following threats were the same at independence nd contemplate how much indian politics has evolved 

1) Religious fundamentalism - this has been even increased from times of independence , in a nutshell it refers to the people who believe that certain religion is the symbol of national identity that is a grave threat to democracy 

back then it was hindu fundamentalism , sikhs demanding khalistan nd our beloved neighbor forestanding islam 
now is the same even more within the country 

this was the second trait of false democracy 

the third one is the media - everybody know what they are upto 
matter of thought is this the main stream media is also divided into particular spectrums , a great (bad) times ahead 
following that more than 70%  media is funded either by the party in power or the opposition which makes a big big loophole in democracy nd governance 

Another things govt nd media especially should focus upon are 
1) Environmental degradation 
2) interfaith harmony 
3) ethnic divide 

so on so far , the makers of modern india from gandhi , subhash chandra bose to ambedkar , patel and many many unsung heroes who gave their lifespan to unite india nd see what india has become again 

also there is a very wrong perception built among youth about gandhi especially which we'll be talking some other day 
till then 




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